No dia 16 de maio, pela manhã, os estudantes e professores convidados visitaram a Casa Juhkentali. Visitaram todas as partes da escola e observaram as diferentes aulas, por exemplo: culinária, costura e escultura. Depois de visitar as aulas, eles tiveram uma aula sobre o Scratch. À tarde, os alunos participaram num jogo da Cidade Velha. Tveram um passeio em redor da Old Town e aprenderam muitas
coisas novas sobre a cultura medieval de Tallinn e as atividades
típicas. Após o jogo, tiveram aulas de
matemática e de TIC e resolveram a representação das funções
trigonométricas e exponenciais usando a série Maclauren com scratch. Os alunos poderam resolver três problemas. Foi um sério desafio usar o Scratch para resolver esses problemas, mas os alunos tiveram sucesso.
On may 16, in the morning, the guest students and teachers visited the Juhkentali House. They visited all the parts of the school and observed different classes, for example: cooking, sewing and carving classes. After visiting the classes, they had a lesson about scratch. In the afternoon, students participed in the Old Town game. They had a walk around the Old Town and they learned a lot of new things about the Medieval Tallinn culture and the typical activities. After the game, they had Maths and ICT lessons and they solved trigonometrical and exponential function representation by using Maclauren series with scratch. The students could solve three problems. It was a serious challenge to use Scratch for solving such problems, but the students succeeded.
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